Alexandre Family Farm is a 5th generation pasture-based dairy farm located Crescent City, CA near the Oregon border, nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Redwoods. The cool coastal climate produces diverse grasses for their dairy cows to enjoy! Alexandre dairy cows are 100% verified A2/A2. Regular milk contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein, but A2 milk contains only A2 beta-casein. Some studies suggest that A1 beta-casein may be harmful and that A2 beta-casein is a safer choice.
Alexandre uses a “low and slow” heating method when preparing their milks to harness all of the wholesome goodness in pasture-raised cow’s milk. Their cool, coastal climate provides green grass 365 days a year – a constant source of nourishment for their unique blend of crossbreed cows and milk. Beneath the naturally creamy top, their Whole Milk contains 6% butterfat, CLA, and Omega 3 fatty acids for a healthier, creamier taste.